The International Meditation Teachers & Therapists Association

IMTTA Gathering 2019
Postgraduate Course Choices

You can choose one course to complete each day. 
Postgraduate Courses run over three consecutive mornings from 9am to 12.30pm.

You will need to select the same course for three days running.

If you are wanting to upgrade to your Diploma from your Certificate level, you will need to complete the Postgraduate Certificate in Brain Body Medicine and the Postgraduate Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR), and then choose two more courses to complete.


Thursday 17th

Friday 18th

Saturday 19th

Sunday 20th

Monday 21st

Tuesday 22nd

Postgraduate Certificate in Brain Body Medicine

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Brain Body Medicine

Postgraduate Certificate in Brain Body Medicine

Postgraduate Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR),

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR),

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR),

Part Three

Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic Trauma and Abuse Counselling 


Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling


Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic Telephone Counselling


Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate Stress Management

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate Stress Management

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate Stress Management

Part Three

Postgraduate Certificate in Elemental Movement Meditation

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Elemental Movement Meditation

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Elemental Movement Meditation

Part Three

Postgraduate Certificate in Inner Child Work

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Inner Child Work

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Inner Child Work

Part Three

Wednesday 23rd

Thursday 24th

Friday 25th


Sunday 27th

Monday 28th

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Women in Transition and Women’s Mid-life Health and Wellbeing

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Women in Transition and Women’s Mid-life Health and Wellbeing

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Women in Transition and Women’s Mid-life Health and Wellbeing

Part Three

Postgraduate certificate in self Applied Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

Part One

Postgraduate certificate in self Applied Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

Part Two

Postgraduate certificate in self Applied Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

Part Three


Advanced Marketing and Business Development Skills for the Holistic Practitioner

Part One


Advanced Marketing and Business Development Skills for the Holistic Practitioner


Part Two

Advanced Marketing and Business Development Skills for the Holistic Practitioner

Postgraduate Certificate in Sound Therapy and Vibrational Healing

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Sound Therapy and Vibrational Healing

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Sound Therapy and Vibrational Healing

Part Three

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling

Part Three

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Children

Part One

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Children

Part Two

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Children

Part Three


Once your booking has been confirmed, we will ask you to select the training courses you want to participate in.


Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR)
Compulsory Diploma Level Course
The Autonomic Nervous System is responsible for determining which neurochemicals and what amounts are released into our bodies; these chemicals create the physical environment our cells form and live in. This course explores the link between the way we chose to think (our perception), the neurochemicals those mental states determines and how chemical imbalances cause disease. Based on clinical evidence, ANSR investigates how and why, what we think influences our level of physical wellbeing and explains, in practical terms, how changing our thinking process will dramatically improve our physical health.


Brain Body Medicine
Compulsory Diploma Level Course
This course explores why people can find themselves ‘trapped’ in old belief systems, negative thinking and habitual ideas that do not contribute to living happy or healthy lives. It provides a deeper understanding of the simple and practical tools we can use to help adopt a more positive and healthier thinking process. It includes an in-depth exploration of how and why particular thinking patterns manifest into specific physical illness. Based on scientific research and humanistic psychology, this course takes the mystery out of ‘mind-body medicine’ and brings a popular theory into a new light as a concrete healing modality.


Advanced Marketing and Business Development Skills for the Holistic Practitioner
This training course expands on the marketing skills you began to develop in your Certificate course and provide you with important insight into developing a holistic business in an ethical and conscious way. You will learn about marketing trends, using the internet to promote your business, developing a public profile, free and close to free advertising, attracting new students and clients to your business, networking, developing referrals for your business and creative marketing ideas. You will also learn about writing editorial and articles for print publication, creating newsletters, writing blogs and developing social media. Throughout this module, you will develop a comprehensive marketing plan to apply within your own business.


Corporate Stress Management
Corporate Stress Management Stress can have a major effect on work performance. Some of the consequences include absenteeism, diminished performance, negative attitude and cynicism, a decline in commitment and creativity, and a decreased ability to concentrate, learn and interact with other employees. Stressed workers can also develop a range of symptoms including insomnia, headaches, back pain, gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue, anxiety, irritability and depression. This course focuses on developing your skills as a Corporate Stress Management Consultant and using your qualification to help build strong workplace stress management programs, better self-esteem among employees, stronger workplace teams and greater productivity levels for business owners.


Advanced Holistic Counselling 
This course delves deeper into the practicalities of holistic counselling. You will study communication skills (verbal and non-verbal), building counsellor/client relationships, relationship counselling, the holistic counselling process, mental and emotional wellbeing, counselling parents, counselling teenagers and releasing past trauma. This course also looks at the important ethical aspects of holistic counselling and will guide you in developing a completely professional practice.


Meditation for Children 
This is a great class to teach for those with a special interest in children, offering young students a fantastic first step toward a lifetime of health and happiness. The kid's classes are lots of fun and high energy. Children learn the basics of traditional yoga poses through role play. They learn about how their bodies work, how to look after themselves and how to be calm and relaxed Learning meditation through creative visualization also significantly contributes toward better sleeping patterns and a wide range of other health and emotional benefits for kids and their parents.


Meditation for Women in Transition and Women's Mid-life Health and Wellbeing 
This course will prepare you to support women in transition and guide them with beautiful tools that assist in developing high self-esteem, self-empowerment, inner strength, trust, self-love, joy and forgiveness. You will also learn about the physical effects of menopause, explore social attitudes regarding women and aging, and develop an understanding of the effects of diet, exercise and meditation on managing menopause. This course also covers running workshops and retreats for women including goddess-style workshops and celebrations of womanhood.


Certificate in Holistic Trauma and Abuse Counselling 
Trauma and Abuse Counselling works to assist people whose lives have been adversely affected through being abused or traumatized either physically and/or psychologically. This may include sexual abuse, violent physical attack, bullying at home and school or in the workplace, domestic violence, witnessing or being involved in a traumatic incident or accident.

The Trauma and Abuse Counsellors provides support, guidance and resources for the client to overcome the trauma and begin to implement strategies and positive life habits that allow them to live a normal, balanced life again.

Trauma and Abuse Counsellors must also have a thorough understanding of referral networks and the cycle of domestic violence as some of their clients may still be experiencing abuse and require guidance in removing themselves from danger.

Certificate in Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling
Grief and Loss counselling becomes necessary when a person is so disabled by their grief; and, so overwhelmed by their loss, that their normal coping processes are disabled or shut down.
People may require Grief and Loss Counselling after the death of a loved one, after a long term relationship ends or even after losing their job. All people experience grief and loss differently. Grief counselling facilitates expression of emotion and thought about the loss, including their feeling sad, anxious, angry, lonely, guilty, relieved, isolated, confused, or numb.

It includes thinking creatively about the challenges that follow loss and coping with concurrent changes in their lives. Often people feel disorganized, tired, have trouble concentrating, sleep poorly and have vivid dreams. They may experience a change in appetite or in their own health.
Grief counselling may be called upon when a person suffers anticipatory grief, for example, an intrusive and frequent worry about a loved one whose death is not imminent. Anticipatory mourning also occurs when a loved one has a terminal illness. This can handicap that person's ability to stay present whilst simultaneously holding onto, letting go of, and drawing closer to the dying person.

Holistic Grief and Loss Counsellors are able to provide clients with coping skills, emotional support and resources (and sometimes referrals) to help support them through the normal grieving process and also through what is known as 'complicated grief' (which occurs when the client gets stuck in, or does not progress through, the natural stages of grief on their own.

Certificate in Holistic Telephone Counselling

The Postgraduate Certificate Course in Holistic Telephone Counselling prepares students to offer telephone and online counselling for clients who are unable to attend in person for various reasons. These reasons may include family or work commitments, disability, location, lack of transport or isolation.

Telephone counsellors need special skills to ensure the client experiences as close as possible, the safe and nurturing environment the counsellor would provide in a face-to-face consultation.