The International Meditation Teachers & Therapists Association

Our courses

Certificate in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development

Diploma in Meditation Therapy and Holistic Counselling

Advanced Diploma in Meditation Therapy and Holistic Counselling 

Masters in Holistic Counselling

Certificate in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development Course Overview

Course Outcomes 

On Completion of the certificate level intensive training course you will be qualified to work as a professional Meditation Teacher, Chair Yoga instructor and Holistic Counsellor or Holistic Life Coach.

On completion of the advanced certificate level course, you will also be qualified and confident to offer Meditation as a healing modality and teach Autonomic Nervous System Realignment and Brain-Body Medicine.

Graduates in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom can use the titles Meditation Teacher, Meditation Therapist and also Holistic Counsellor.

Graduates in the USA can use the titles Meditation Teacher, Meditation Therapist and Holistic Therapist and advertise that they offer Holistic Counselling Services (due to inconsistent laws in various states of America prohibiting the use of the title ‘Counsellor’).

If you live in a different country, please get in touch with us to discover the laws about using titles in your country. 

You will be able to work for yourself teaching Meditation, chair yoga and positive life skills in the community to groups and individuals and in the corporate sector as a stress management consultant.

You will also be able to provide holistic counselling and holistic life coaching services. You may also seek employment, if you wish, in holistic healthcare centres, wellbeing clinics, health clubs, natural therapies centres and retreats, gymnasiums, respite centres and community centres as well as several other areas that wish to employ qualified holistic therapists with a focus on Meditation therapy and positive self-development. 

On completion, you will have all the skills, qualifications and confidence to develop a solid general holistic wellbeing practice and you will have access to ongoing practitioner support to assist you in successfully developing your practice. 

Read about careers for graduates HERE

You can choose to complete further postgraduate courses after graduating from the Certificate in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development, as standalone short courses if you wish.

Completion of four postgraduate courses will elevate your qualification to the Diploma of Meditation Therapy and Holistic Counselling. Completion of eight postgraduate courses will elevate your qualification to the Advanced Diploma of Meditation Therapy and Holistic Counselling.

The IMTTA Masters in Holistic Counselling has a specific course structure, outlined below.

Certificate in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development.

This course involves around 10 to 15 hours of study per module.

Module One - Foundation Studies in Meditation 
History and Theory of Meditation
Developing Meditation routines
Deepening and refining your own practice

Module Two – Stress; Understanding Cause & Effect 
Understanding stress
Physiological responses to stress
Psychological causes of stress

Module Three - Foundations of Human Happiness 
The psychology of happiness
Subconscious programming and reprogramming
States of mind & Fundamentals of self-image

Module Four - Tools for Healing
Tools for healing
Positive thinking skills
Foundations of Mind-Body Medicine
Meditation as a healing tool & Hypnotic states

Module Five - Meditation Styles and Techniques 
Poses and positions
Chakras and energy Meditations
Guided Meditations & visualization
Mantras and affirmations in Meditation

Module Six - Teaching
Talking to groups & Group leadership skills
Answering questions about Meditation Leading guided Meditations
Overcoming obstacles to Meditation practice
Creating safe and effective teaching environments

Module Seven - Working with Specific Groups 
People with disabilities
Health care professionals & business clients
Difficult clients

Module Eight - Counselling & Coaching Skills 
Client-centred approach
Active listening skills
Identifying obstacles
Case studies

Module Nine - Running Classes and Workshops 
Basic Meditation
The IMTTA Course (Meditation, Stress Management & Personal Development Combination)
The IMTTA Teen Program (Meditation for Teenagers)
Choosing Venues

Module Ten - Corporate and Community Settings 
Corporate stress management and relaxation workshops
Approaching community groups and organizations
Volunteer and community work

Module Eleven – Small Business Management 
Ethics and Professionalism
Your public profile
Fundamentals of customer service
Maintaining student/client records
Charging for your services
Running a small home office

Module Twelve – Marketing; The key to success 
Understanding the power of branding, targeted marketing and advertising
The Internet - How to use free advertising for your business
Public image

Diploma in Meditation Therapy and Holistic Counselling

The Diploma course consists of the certificate level course plus the Postgraduate Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR), the Postgraduate Certificate in Brain-Body Medicine and two elective postgraduate courses.

Advanced Diploma in Meditation Therapy and Holistic Counselling

The Advanced Diploma course consists of the certificate level course plus the Postgraduate Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR), the Postgraduate Certificate in Brain-Body Medicine and six elective postgraduate courses.

Postgraduate Courses

Postgraduate courses involve around 40 to 60 study hours each. There are currently 14 postgraduate courses available with a new postgraduate course being added every three months. Current postgraduate courses are:

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Children

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for the Management of Pain Management and Healing

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for the Management of Depression and Anxiety

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Weight Management

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling

Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate Stress Management

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Women in Transition and Women’s Mid-life Health and Wellbeing

Postgraduate Certificate in Meditation for Men’s Health and Wellbeing

Advanced Marketing and Business Development Skills for the Holistic Practitioner

Postgraduate Certificate in Prenatal Meditation

Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic Trauma and Abuse Counselling 

Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling 

Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic Telephone Counselling

Postgraduate Certificate in Holistic Marriage and Relationship Counselling

The IMTTA Masters in Holistic Counselling

The IMTTA Masters in Holistic Counselling is made up of the following courses:

Stage 1: Certificate in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Counselling.

Certificate of Meditation Teaching

Certificate in Chair Yoga Instruction

Certificate in Holistic Counselling and Life Coaching.

Stage 2: Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR) 
Stage 3:  Certificate in Brain-Body Medicine 
Stage 4: Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling 
Stage 5: Certificate in Holistic Trauma and Abuse Counselling 
Stage 6: Certificate in Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling 
Stage 7: Certificate in Holistic Telephone Counselling
Stage 8: Certificate in Holistic Marriage and Relationship Counselling
Stage 9: Certificate in Corporate Stress Management 
Stage 10: Holistic Psychotherapy
Stage 11: Masters in Holistic Counselling Thesis


The IMTTA Training Courses are evidence-based and include referencing to scientific research, providing our students with a grounded, non-sectarian and extremely professional knowledge base.

All course materials are well researched and presented in a very practical, hands-on format, allowing students to explore and experiment with the information provided.

Each lecture includes several practical exercises and a submission form, where students are required to comment on, explain, discuss or answer questions relating to the particular lecture. This provides the course teacher with a good understanding of the students’ ability to understand and assimilate the course materials.

The course materials have been created by Isabelle Cunningham-Doolan and Kerry Doolan. Many of the lectures include audio-visual presentations, Power-point presentations and other visual aids, along with e-books, to provide the widest possible teaching style for the full spectrum of learning styles. 

The course is focused on educating professional Meditation teachers, Meditation therapists and holistic counsellors who are able to provide the highest quality service to their own students and clients. It, therefore, covers a wide range of topics, including an understanding of anatomy and physiology, humanistic psychology and holistic counselling practices as well as teaching skills, managing groups, running a small business, corporate stress management and a wide range of other important topics. 

Course teachers are provided with assessment tables for each course lecture to ensure the evaluation process is relevant, uniform and every student is provided with the appropriate level of care and support.

The student is required to read several independent books throughout the various courses, written by well-respected and highly qualified individuals.

The general feedback on this course material from students has been excellent and includes comments about the learning being fun as well as informative; there is a profound opportunity for personal development as well as professional learning and confidence to work in the area of Meditation teaching and holistic wellbeing, gained through the high quality of the courses content.

You can read what some of the course graduates have to say HERE

Read about course accreditation

The IMTTA supplies training courses to registered Training Providers, we do not take course enrolments.
If you wish to inquire about enrolling in an IMTTA training course, please contact the Training Provider you wish to study with.

Find a Training Provider here